Educational Services and Materials

    Haude Tutoring conducts in-home tutoring for a wide range of mathematics courses.  Since each session is one-on-one, content delivery can be individually tailored to meet the client's needs and objectives.  In addition, since Haude Tutoring is a sole proprietorship, the client works with Mr. Haude in every session.  This enables individual client learning styles, needs, and objectives to be achieved to an even greater extent over time.  A folder is prepared and maintained with session notes for each client.

    Sessions are conducted based off of material in assignments and class notes provided by the client.  It is the responsibility of the client to have this information available for Mr. Haude to utilize during a session.  If an assignment has not been provided by the school and/or class notes were not taken (such as on a test day), it is the responsibility of the client to obtain this information and have it available during the session.  With that information, Mr. Haude can utilize problems from a textbook or similar resource he brings to the session to supplement instruction he provides about the topic(s) to be covered.


    For more information, please contact Haude Tutoring.  Thank you for your interest.

In-Home Tutoring Overview